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How important is your data to you? What would happen to your business if your hard drive failed, got corrupted by a virus, suffered liquid damage or the device it was in got stolen?
The physical PC or laptop can be replaced, so can the application software, but not your data. It is prudent for everyone to make sure data is backed up to an external hardrive on a daily, weekly, and monthly cycle and also, if possible, off-site to a Cloud provider.
There are various options for making sure your data is backed up on a daily, weekly and monthly cycle:
On-site: internal backup to a Network Storage Drive (NAS), which can be connected via a Port in the Broadband Router
Off-site: external backup using Google Drive, One Drive or DropBox, which is a mapped drive (hard drive) on a PC or laptop. There can be a security risk from some of the latest ransomware
External AirGap backup, for example using a Network Storage Drive (NAS), which is a regular one-off, plus repeated event, requiring a mapped drive. This provides an isolated feature from ransomware for your backed-up data.
Backup software - there a number of proven, low cost software packages, which will provide automatic data backup
If you are worried about your data backup, please get in touch!